Fifth Grade

5-Pop Art Game Pieces

Pop Art Game Pieces

Board Game Design

5-Board Game Design
5-Op Word Art

Optical Illusion Word Art

Build your Sketchbook

Our first task of the school year is to build our very own sketchbooks.  We will learn how to use a sketchbook, and examine the sketchbooks of other famous artists.  We will keep our sketchbooks in the Art Room to use throughout the year.


Video Game Storytelling

5-Fantasy Video Game

Face Jugs

5-Face Jugs
5-Haring/Albers Portal To...

Albers Portals

Josef Albers used his squared to study and learn about color.  We can use the same technique to create the illusion of depth and space.  We will imagine these concentric shapes lead deeper and deeper into an unknown location, and we can use details to develop an imaginative narrative for each tunnel, portal or passageway.